Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How To Expose Your Listings to Investors Nationwide; For Free!

How to Find Private Money: Real Estate Info Network Teleseminar Series

If you have a great deal and want to make money as quick as possible, you have got to expose it to as many people as possible. We ‘re not talking regular homeowners although that would be nice too; we ‘re talking about investors.

Investors have money. Investors want to make more money and if they can make money by saving money than it’s a win—win across the board.

There are hundreds of real estate listing services and investor forums in which you can list your properties, but how many are free? How many cater to only the savvy and well-educated investor? The truth is not many.

The Real Estate Info Network is now offering investors, realtors and homeowners a one-stop shop to list and buy your properties quickly and easily. There are no memberships required or any gimmicks involved. All you have to do is head over to www.realestateinfonetwork.com and click our “Free Listings” tab on our homepage.

The Real Estate Info Network already provides a great place for investors to get together and share ideas so you will feel like stopping by anyway. While you are there don’t forget to sign up for our free “Stay Connected” newsletter. It only comes out weekly and is full of great investing, marketing and finance tips and also includes the latest seminar schedule to learn more about real estate investing and wealth building.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

3 Good Reasons Why You Should use an Attorney for Your Real Estate Investing By Robb Beltran

Skimping on attorney fees could cost you more than you bargained for when investing in real estate. New real estate investors often save money on their rehabs by cutting corners, doing work themselves and trying not to spend any money to make money. When it comes to having a good real estate attorney though be prepared to spend away.

You have to ask yourselves what you are willing to pay for a piece of mind especially if you deal with tenants. A few good contracts written up by your attorney will easily be worth it after your first eviction or foreclosure.

You can find hundreds of template contracts and real estate forms on the Internet, but just how legal are they? Ask yourselves why they almost always recommend you have your own attorney look them over anyway.

There are hundreds of reasons to use a real estate attorney in your wealth building, but here are my three favorites:

Title opinions. In some states you are required to buy title insurance to guarantee the marketability of your property. In others it is recommended to get a title opinion. A title opinion is the opinion of an Attorney regarding the merchantability of title based upon the title examination and commonly is written to a lending institution who will rely on this title opinion for the validity and ranking of its mortgage. This process could get pretty complex especially when dealing with vacant, bank owned and estate property.

Tenant Forms. If you have rental units it is imperative that you have a real estate attorney look over your documents to make sure that the language is specific to your situation and state. Tenant law in Iowa may not be the same as tenant law in Nevada.
Trust me, if any wording is wrong in your 3-day notice or eviction paper work the magistrate or judge will spout out some state statute, your tenant will get to stay and you will have to start all over.

Leads. Attorneys can be a great source for leads. Motivated sellers often come from extenuating circumstances like divorces, bankruptcies and estates. If you have a good relationship with a real estate attorney perhaps you can help his clients out when they find themselves in situations like any of the above.

If you are new to real estate investing a real estate attorney should be on your team anyway, if you don’t have one yet be sure to find one fast. Your realtor or banker should be able to recommend a good one for you.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

5 Reasons Why You Should Join a Real Estate Investment Association or Club

By Robb Beltran

It doesn’t matter whether you are a seasoned real estate investor or a newbie, you can never learn too much about investing or wealth building. If you haven’t already you need to find your local association or club today. Here’s why:

1.Guidance. Real Estate Associations and Clubs can provide unlimited support and guidance. Members are interested in what your goals are because theirs are the same. They want to make money and build wealth through real investing.

2. Mentors. Find out who has been investing the longest or who has had the most success in the type of investing you are interested in and make contact with them. Learn from someone who is doing, not from someone who is reading or just talking about doing.

3. Deals. If you are seasoned or new, members are always looking to buy or sell something. They know how to help you with the financing and most of the times the deals are geared towards a fast sale.

4. Education. A good Real Estate Association or Club will fill your meeting time with important topics and offer ways to improve your education. Lots of Associations and Clubs also get discounts to national speakers and may even host one at a local meeting or event.
5. Networking. The members of Real Estate Associations and Clubs are often in the real estate business in one-way or another. So imagine being able to build your investment team all in one place. Members often include real estate attorneys, bankers, brokers, contractors and realtors.

You can find a great list of Real Estate Associations and Clubs at the Real Estate Info Network. www.realestateinfonetwork.com

If you can’t find one there you next best bet is to search the internet for real estate forums. These are also filled with likeminded people and often have topics changing every day.

In the words of Thomas Edison, “If there is a way to do it better... find it.”