Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How To Expose Your Listings to Investors Nationwide; For Free!

How to Find Private Money: Real Estate Info Network Teleseminar Series

If you have a great deal and want to make money as quick as possible, you have got to expose it to as many people as possible. We ‘re not talking regular homeowners although that would be nice too; we ‘re talking about investors.

Investors have money. Investors want to make more money and if they can make money by saving money than it’s a win—win across the board.

There are hundreds of real estate listing services and investor forums in which you can list your properties, but how many are free? How many cater to only the savvy and well-educated investor? The truth is not many.

The Real Estate Info Network is now offering investors, realtors and homeowners a one-stop shop to list and buy your properties quickly and easily. There are no memberships required or any gimmicks involved. All you have to do is head over to www.realestateinfonetwork.com and click our “Free Listings” tab on our homepage.

The Real Estate Info Network already provides a great place for investors to get together and share ideas so you will feel like stopping by anyway. While you are there don’t forget to sign up for our free “Stay Connected” newsletter. It only comes out weekly and is full of great investing, marketing and finance tips and also includes the latest seminar schedule to learn more about real estate investing and wealth building.

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